The Collapse of the American Empire?

This guy is a bomb-thrower akin to Michael Moore, and ignores the results of Trump's policies. In the vague language he uses, he gives the illusion that he diagnoses the problem, but without really detailing it, before going into an insult-fest against Trump.

As president, Trump has brought factories and jobs back to the U.S.. and incentivized growth in a way that no one else would in that position, certainly not Hillary Clinton, certainly not the milquetoast PC establishment-subservient other 16 Republicans to select from in the 2016 primary.

Trump may not be perfect, but he has yielded better results than anyone else could have who were on the ballot in 2016, and quantifiably, better than any other U.S. leader in 50 years.
Tha's a pretty damn good record for a "con artist".

As opposed to a leader who was "vomited up by a fascist electorate of a collapsing state, the way Slobodan Milosevic was vomited up by a collapsing Serbia/Yugoslavia."
That's kind of like comparing George W. Bush (or Trump) to Hitler. Again, an insult and a smear, in a one-sentence bumper sticker remark, not a logical argument. It neither explains what Milosevic did to warrant the label, or what Bush or Trump did to warrant being compared to him.

This guy may have a Pulitzer Prize, but he's still throwing illogically explained incendiary labels at Trump to feed the establishment/Democrat/Globalist narrative. The Nobels and Pulitzers at this point are the establishment/globalist seal of approval, marking those who are propagandists for soul-crushing globalism.
Just pointing out, Barack Obama won a Nobel prize before he was inaugurated, before he had done anything to warrant it. And after completing his 8 years, still has done nothing to warrant it.

I love how Hedges is an ordained minister, but demonizes the Christian church as fascists and racists. That's kind of like James Comey and Rod Rosenstein being registered Republicans. Or like Seinfeld's dentist converting to Judaism so he can tell Jewish jokes without being called a racist.

Hedges and his host toss around a lot of incendiary labels without nailing down precisely the justification for any of those terms.