Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Nor am I the one attacking everybody in the media, courts, FBI or political party that doesn't provide the propaganda/talking points for my side.

I'm attacking the ones who visibly weaponized federal agencies and FISA court surveillance to win an election. Not "everybody". Just the specific ones in these agencies incriminated by their own actions and texts.

The texts between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, for example.

The e-mails and testimony of Bruce Ohr and his testimony and documented e-mail communication with Fusion GPS head Glenn Simpson, who Bruce Ohr later before congress voiced concern about, but not while he was aiding the conspiracy. Bruce Ohr also funneled in Simpson's Russia Dossier, blatantly false information, into the DOJ and FBI through multiple back channels, after the FBI had already fired Christopher Steele and deemed the report "salacious and unreliable". But still submitted it as reliable evidence to obtain FISA warrants, and to spy on Carter Page and through that door, the rest of the Trump campaign staff.
Likewise the self-incriminating public statements of James Comey, John Brennan, Rod Rosenstein, and James Clapper, who are now turning on each other in media statements, pending their own indictments.

It's a fact, M E M, that these people participated in or directly orchestrated spying on the Trump campaign/transition team/administration. It's a fact. The only question was whether it was authorized spying, or partisan rogue deep-state spying. And at this point, it clearly was rogue spying without any legitimate basis. Barr has already found that all four FISA warrants were filed with deliberately falsified evidence.

So... for you to still front the talking points that Trump is evil and that anyone including attorney general Barr who advocates investigating this is just attacking all federal law enforcement, you clearly are buying into a false Democrat talking points narrative. Or perhaps because you hate Trump so much, you are clinging to what you wish was true, rather than what is actually true.