Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I really don't believe McCain voted against the Obamacare repeal just out of spite. If it had passed it would have been a mess for your party. All these years and still no plan for an actual replacement. It's worth noting that you're attacking somebody that's been dead for a while on a day where the story broke out that the WH tried having the ship with McCain's name on it kept out of President bone spurs sight. That is petty in my book.

I've said good and bad things about McCain. Toward the end, McCain was a RINO and a thorn in the side of his own party. After 2000, the only action I can think of that I unwaveringly supported of McCain's was the troop surge in Iraq (2008-2009).

McCain shot himself in the foot in the 2008 campaign.

First he voted for the 700 billion TARP bailout, that he should have opposed, and delayed the vote a few days, holding out for a smaller and less wasteful package. Two years after TARP, most of its funds were still sitting in accounts undisbursed. When McCain voted for that extravagant waste, just as Obama and the Dems did, there was nothing to separate him from Obama.

Second, McCain refused to attack Obama's cultural marxist radical history, or the radical things Obama said during the campaign.
Like "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, energy prices would necessarily skyrocket."
Or how Obama planned to: "Jeopardize U.S. military technogical superiority." (And he did.)
Or how anyone who didn't support Obama was "clinging to their antipahty toward people different than themselves, clinging to their guns and religion." Interesting how Puerto Ricans who voted in the primary for Hillary Clinton weren't portrayed as racists, but whites in West Virginia and Pennsylvania were!
Or: "Just a few days away from fundamental transformation of America."
Or: "We need a civilian armed force just as strong as our military."
Among other cultural marxist radical ideas, from the clear template of his Cultural Marxist ideology (ideology taken from Obama Sr., Bill Ayers), Liberation theology (of Rev. Jeremiah Wright) and Anti-Colonialism (Rashid Khalidi, Obama Sr.), and Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals indoctrinated beliefs.

All this was RIGHT THERE for McCain to expose, and politically destroy the soft moderate image Obama and the complicit media had created for him to get him through the 2008 campaign.
But McCain didn't.
And by not doing it, he not only lost the election in 2008, but also unleashed Obama and his authoritarian Bolshevik cut-throats on the nation.
* Weaponizing the IRS on his conservative opposition.
* Using the ATF to run guns to Mexican cartels, that got a border guard killed, along eith many Mexicans. Originally a plot to blame gun retailers, until Obama/ATF's fingerprints on it prevented the planned crackdown on the gun industry.
* And most importantly, using FBI/DOJ/NSA surveillance to do opposition research on the Trump campaign, unmasking that data to sabotage Trump's candidacy. And failing that, to frame Trump and his aides with crimes to cripple and stall his presidency. A far greater over-reach than even Watergate. Attempting to overthrow an elected Republican administration.

And even more Obaama-orchestrated chaos worldwide.

Obama in his 8 years collapsed U.S. power in the middle east, by:

1) supporting the Arab Spring that overthrew Mubarek in Egypt and replaced him with a muslim Brotherhood government as radical as the Iranian government, only dislodged because of an internal coup by the Egyptian military. Certainly not because of Obama.

2) Pulling all troops, including U.S. intelligence, out of Iraq in Dec 2011, de-stabilizing the coalition government and fragmenting trust between he Kurds, Shias and Sunnis that had been building until then. Until Obama destroyed it. The Shias with no U.S. presence removed all Sunnis from political and military positions of power, and attacked them. Directly leading them to align with the most radical Sunni force in the region, ISIS, and a enabling an ISIS blitzkreig that took half of Iraq and Syria and led to the deaths of tens of thousands of slaughtered civilians.

3) Obama's unilateral choice to invade Libya and kill Khadaffi (who had become a U.S. ally and informat in recent years) with no congressional authorization. Then after Libya was destroyed and de-stabilized, Obama would not give the new Libyan government any of the aid the Libyans requested to stabilize their country. Causing it to become a hotbed of ISIS and Al Qaida terrorism.

4) likewise Obama's weird mixture of threats and "red lines" followed by inaction in Syria.

And all four of these causing:

5) a massive exodus of millions of muslim refugees to Western nations in Europe, Canada and the U.S. and elsewhere, that are de-stabilizing western nations with immigrants who will never assimilate.

McCain's unwillingness to expose Obama's radicalism is what allowed all that to happen. Plus enabling ISIS' spread to 40 nations worldwide.

Plus Obamacare rammed down the throats of an unwilling America, 53% of whom opposed it in poll after poll, even a year after Obamacare's passage (by twisting the rules at every turn, and using every deception, "relying on the stupidity of the American voter" to quote Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber.)

Obamacare has cost trillions more than was promised it would cost, is only in effect for a very small group (mostly those who already have cancer or some other major illness), and has cost tens of millions of others their good and working healthcare insurance plans, and forced them to pay roughly double the premiums, for healthcare that is not as good.
But fortunately, this orchestrated failure was not further allowed by a President Hillary Clinton to usher in an even more wasteful and destructive state-run single payer system.

Likewise Obama's DACA amnesty for children of illegals, that set in motion the massive surge of illegals we're experiencing now. Aided by Democrat obstruction of Trump's every presidential action to repel and contain it.

No pushback by Obama at Iran building nukes. Giving them every concession in the Iran nuclear deal (and then hiding the deal from Congress, and deceiving the American public about the jaw droppingly weak concessions, until the deal was in effect.)

Obama's "strategic patience" with North Korea and China that has emboldened their aggression, and building military forces and islands in the South China sea.

One could mistake these for blunders and failures, if one did not understand the insideous ideology of Obama and his inner circle. Borrowing from Dinesh D'Souza:

John McCain's half-baked unwillingness to fight in 2008 and simply expose the true facts in McCain's 2008 campaign is what allowed Obama and his Bolsheviks to be elected, and allowed all this to happen.

So yeah, I blame McCain, and it isn't nearly enough to say this.

And likewise, McCain did hide his true intent with the Obamacare repeal, and did come in at the last minute and cast his vote against Obamacare's repeal. In doing so McCain undermined Trump, undermined the Republican party, and undermined every Republican who voted for its repeal.