I've been pretty clear that Trump's large deficits his first two years are a disappointment for me. Trump wanted $700 billion to rebuild our military, the House Democrats extorted the total up to 1.6 trillion, demanding 900 billion of that total for other social programs as their condition for approving it, so I think it's unfair to blame Trump for that.

I still wish Trump had pushed harder to negotiate that total down. I think the urgency of rebuilding our Obama-destroyed military made him accept the deal soomer than he otherwise would have.

On the LGBT thing, Trump has continued Obama's gay protections that if he was truly hostile to gays, Trump would have done away with. The only policy I've seen of Trump's that was resistant to gays was transgenders in the military. And my answer to that is the same: Bradley Manning.

People with a transgender identity crisis with obvious psychological issues should perhaps not be given the access to put millions of documents and military intelligence at risk.
That again goes to the issue of gays apparently having more regard for a gay flag than for the American flag.

Enrolling in the military should also not be a way for transgender freaks to have the government pay for a sex change either.