Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy, 7-30-2016

Expanding on that "Clinton Body Count" that factchecked the deaths back then, quite a few names have been added to the list in recent years.


I like that this list arranges them by category, such as Government Officials or "Bimbos", and by other companies or groupings.

And while the first does its best to factcheck whether the official investigations of the deaths are suspicious or credible, the second list is a little too brief for me, not giving enough context of the known facts, while in other ways being a more organized list.

What scares me is, given the amount of blatant corruption around Hillary Clinton (even ignoring the "body count" list) that the media flew cover for, and still supported her all the way in 2016, as dirty as Joe Biden is, they would fly the same cover for Joseph Biden or whoever the Democrat radical in question is for 2020. And that many Democrats would still elect Hillary over Trump.

Tulsi Gabbard is the only Democrat in the primaries I somewhat like as a former military officer and somewhat independent thinker, but even she supports open borders and virtually all the other DNC platform crazy stuff.