Remember when Obama gave a State of the Union Address, and assured us that Obamacare wouldn't extend coverage to illegals, and Rep. Joe Wilson of Texas said to Obama: "You lie!" and all the Democrats hyperventilated with outrage that Wilson would accuse Obama of this during his address, and called for his censure by Congress?

Yeah, well...

It turns out that Obama did in fact lie, and coverage is now being extended to illegals, at least it would if any of the 25 Democrat primary candidates for 2020 were elected, and enthusiastically raised their hands onstage to support it in the last 2 days of debates. Not one has voiced the slightest resistance to that idea during the debates.
Only Hickenlooper expressed that he thought it was bad campaign strategy to publicly admit that they want state-provided healthcare for illegals. Not that he disagrees, but that he thought it was bad strategy for Democrats to be honest about their intentions.

So to Democrats, Joe Wilson was right and is vindicated:
"You lie!"