I dug up the topic almost 10 years ago when this occurred:

Let's get this out of the way topic, 9-10-2009,

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
The larger question is why Obama is so able to lie unchallenged, rather than why Joe Wilson called him on it.
The media have abdicated their responsibility to expose the truth.

But Obama boldly lies on national television, saying that he didn't plan to include healthcare coverage for illegals, despite that he touted numbers of 47 million uninsured (a number that could not be reached without including illegals).
AFTER Obama was exposed for trying to slip through coverage for illegals. And after his speech last night before both houses of Congress, Obama and his people --without explanation-- suddenly revised their numbers nationally of "Uninsured Americans" down to 30 million. (i.e., the actual number of uninsured, after subtracting illegals from the equation).

Ann Coulter also pointed out today that Republicans had pushed to ban public healthcare funds being amended to include illegals, and Democrats rejected it. Clearly leaving the door open, if the bill is passed in any form.

So... exposure of Obama's lie would be far less without Wilson's "uncivility".

I think a civil servant's job is to tell the American people the truth. In this example, Joe Wilson did that, by giving high exposure to Obama's lie.

It was obvious even then the Dems were lying about their true intentions.