I posted this elsewhere, about Democrat threats and escalating violence:


No one too important being threatened, just the Republican Senate majority leader.

Another aspect of it is that McConnell posted video of the threats, and Facebook shut down his web page over posting it, and would not allow his page to be reinstated until he took down the post.

In other words, they suppressed McConnell's ability to inform the public of the threats against him. Because the liberal media sure as hell won't report it.

Increasingly, far-left-run social media have been working in unison with the Democrats and liberal media to silence and marginalize conservative opinion and news.

Youtube shuts down accounts of conservatives to prevent them from informing the public through their videos and comments. I'm a personal recipient of this. After 11 years on Youtube without incident, I suddenly received notice that my Youtube account is "suspended", for "violation of Youtube user policy", and I have absolutely no doubt it is for posting pro-Trump views and links to pro-Trump facts and information.
I can still watch videos, but I cannot see my user history and comments, or post comments or "likes" to videos. But the Youtube comments of people threatening to kill me, or posting "Jews are a cancer on the earth", or comments by liberals who talk about killing Republicans or wishing they were dead in response to my comments, are still there. But my fact-citing and source-linked responses are all no longer visible.
Also at Youtube, I notice that all of a sudden it is harder to find Fox News programs in a Youtube search.
For example any Fox News programs such as Tucker Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham, the Five, Greg Gutfeld or Special Report (Fox's flagship 6PM broadcast with Brett Baier), where you used to be able to go back and view programs days or weeks later, now only show for about 48 hours maximum.
Specifically, I can Youtube-search "HANNITY Aug 7 2019" and it currently shows this...
...where multiple people have posted the entire program for that date, 35 or 42 minutes or so broadcasts without commercials, some less complete, but essentially the complete show. But 48 hours from now, the videos will still be there, but for the running time it will not show "42:00", it will instead show "00:02", and the program will only show for 2 seconds. Still showing up in the search page, but defacto deleted and unviewable. And every single posted video of the program will be like that, collapsed to 2 seconds, unviewable.
But a week or a month or 6 months from now, you'll still be able to pull up any full program for any date of Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon or any program on CNN....
...still viewable in their entirety, NOT collapsed to 2 seconds, NOT essentially deleted.

Likewise Facebook. Multiple House and Senate Republicans have had their Faceebook pages shut down or shadow-banned so that no one can see their information. Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Derek Gaetz, Devin Nunes... just by mere coincidence, the House Republicans who are at the center of exposing the DOJ/FBI/James Comey/Hillary Clinton/ Fusion GPS/Christopher Steele/FISA court abuse that rigged the Hillary Clinton investigation, and set up an "inssurance policy" to cripple Trump's presidency.
Just by mere coincidence.
A Facebook suspension or shadow-banning "error" that doesn't happen to any Democrat House or Senate member.

Likewise Twitter.

Likewise Google.
Google searches have newly created algorithms that are designed to filter out access to conservative facts. And Google represents 90% of all online searches.

A researcher named Epstein has testified that going into the 2020 election, social media manipulation could manipulate and suppress one side of the political debate, and result in a shift of 15 million votes in favor of the Democrats.
Short of this kind of a social media coup to thwart the will of the American people, it is clear that for all their demagoguery and incendiary rhetoric and hysterics, the Democrats will lose in Nov 2020, at a level comparable to 1972 or 1984.

Only by cheating with this kind of abuse of their tech power can Democrats possibly win the 2020 election.
And they are pumped up for the mission, and moving in that direction, as multiple insiders in the the tech field have voiced alarm about.

Tucker Carlson has stories and guests on this subject almost nightly.
As do other Fox News programs.
Likewise OANN.
CNN and MSNBC... silence. Predictably. Viva la revolucion!