CNN contributor deletes ‘massacre’ Mitch tweet. Meanwhile, protesters shout death threats outside McConnell’s home

Another New York Times reporter and CNN contributor, who eagerly endorsed the #MassacreMitch trending on Twitter, and then retracted his Tweet later when busted on it.

And then went on CNN a day later to bemoan violent rhetoric!

These are two CNN contributors, and demonstrate this is not a Democrat fringe, but at the heart of mainstream liberal coverage.

And that call for violence and "eradication" of Republican Trump supporters is not diminishing. It is being stoked by the 2020 Democrat candidates, Hillary, and Obama. Not to mention CNN and MSNBC. Which really are de facto part of the DNC.

Note also that any Fox News reporter or anchor who did a fraction of this would be out of a job and never work again.
But because these are Democrats on CNN, no rebuke, no suspension, no firing, no mention of his fanaticism, violent intent, partisan bias, and poor judgement. Without missing a blink, he continues on CNN as an exalted authority.