I'm confident a William Barr DOJ would have prosecuted Lois Lerner, where a Jeff Sessions DOJ that dithered on the FBI/DOJ deep state coup for 2 years would not.

I would like to see the case revisited. Even when it was dismissed it was not because they felt Lois Lerner and the IRS were not guilty (there were certainly plenty of self-incriminating e-mails). Those in DOJ (under Sessions) felt at that time there was not enough evidence to prosecute, despite Lerner's guilt and plenty of evidence. And left open the door to re-open the case later.
Which I hope they do. Aggressively.


By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Friday, September 8, 2017

The Trump Justice Department has once again cleared former IRS senior executive Lois G. Lerner of criminal liability stemming from the tea party targeting.

In a letter to top Republicans, Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd said they re-reviewed the case and concluded there isn’t enough evidence to charge Ms. Lerner, who was at the center of the targeting.

Mr. Boyd said the new review included lawyers who only recently joined the department and weren’t part of the Obama administration’s earlier decision.

“After this process, the Department determined that reopening the investigation would not be appropriate based on the available evidence,” Mr. Boyd said.
He said if new information comes to light, the decision could be revisited.

Republicans on Capitol Hill called the decision “terrible.”

“It sends the message that the same legal, ethical and Constitutional standards we all live by do not apply to Washington political appointees — who will now have the green light to target Americans for their political beliefs and mislead investigators without ever being held accountable for their lawlessness,” said Rep. Kevin Brady, Texas Republican and House Ways and Means chairman.

He said he respects Attorney General Jeff Sessions, but was “troubled” by his department’s handling of the request to investigate Ms. Lerner
“The decision not to prosecute Lois Lerner is a miscarriage of justice,” said Rep. Peter Roskam, an Illinois Republican who was one of the key lawmakers pushing for an investigation.

Ms. Lerner led the division of the IRS that singled out conservative and tea party groups for intrusive scrutiny in their applications for nonprofit status.

Conservative groups say she facilitated the targeting. But a Justice Department investigation under the Obama administration said Ms. Lerner actually took steps to try to repair the targeting when she learned of it.

Look at the photo with that article. The same arrogant defiance on Lois Lerner's face as that of Peter Strzok.

And the fact that she got a free pass in 2013, because some for whatever political reason didn't want to prosecute her, is what bred the hubris and corrupt arrogance that gave us the Russia hoax and criminal abuse of the FISA court in 2016.
If they are not prosecuted, it will just embolden this kind of Praetorian Guard-style of FBI/DOJ coup to happen again.

But here I am talking reason with you.
The truth is, your side doesn't care about crimes or the rule of law, so long as your side gains power.

You don't care that Tea Party and religious groups were put through hell.
You don't care about the slander and attempted destruction of Brett Kavanaugh.
You don't care that Scooter Libby wasn't guilty of the crime he was imprisoned for.
Or the shakedown plea deals that put a gun to the heads of Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, George Pappadapoulos, Jerome Corsi, Sam Clovis, Roger Stone and Michael Caputo.

Men who never would have been indicted if not for malicious prosecution in a kangaroo court, two of whom the FBI looked at 13 years ago and wouldn't prosecute. Just to shake them down and attempt to make them perjure themselves to testify against Trump. Rich men who have been bankrupted defending themselves against baseless Kafka-esque charges.

But like I said, you don't care. So long as your corrupt side wins. Even though your side increasingly looks like the French Revolution's reign of terror. God help us all if your side actually wins. It certainly won't win playing by the rules. Only by a Bolshevik revolution and "power mostly administered at the barrel of a gun." To quote Mao, as Ron Bloom did while serving in the Obama administration. Be careful what you wish for, M E M... you might get it.