I was just looking at the Chaykin topic, and Chaykin has done at least 2 stories where Nazis take center stage as the primary villains, over 40 years after the defeat of Nazi Germany.

The first was in BLACKHAWKS in 1987-1988.

Chaykin's BATMAN: DARK ALLEGIENCES in 1996, is a story set in 1939 where Batman and other Golden Age DC characters meet Hitler socially on a diplomatic visit to the U.S. on the eve of World War II, and dances on the edge of an attempt on Hitler's life.

Dominic Fortune in several adventures (BIZARRE ADVENTURES 20, and HULK maagazine 21-25) also clashes with Nazis.

I think Nazis have particular iconic status as villains in comics because:
1) Comics heroes began in that 1938-1945 World War II period and partly grew to prominence as a "BUY BONDS/BEAT THE NAZIS" propaganda tool, so using Nazis in modern-era stories takes comics back to their roots, where all the classic heroes were never more admired.
2) At least until very recently, most comics writers and artists were and are Jewish, and therefore have a visceral hatred of Hitler and the Nazis. So they no doubt have a special pleasure in presenting new stories of defeating the Nazis.

I recall reading an interview of Joe Kubert some years before he died, discussing how he had family in Europe who died in the concentration camps. That no doubt adds another layer to things when you create a story about the Nazis.