The Democrat/Left never ceases to make clear they are the most unprincipled and vicious people on the planet. Even when trying to front themselves as responsible journalists, they just can't even pretend to hide how unprincipled they truly are.

There is nothing Brett Kavanaugh did to warrant this kind of treatment, the guy's record is absolutely spotless. You could go through mine or someone else's high school and college days and find some wild drunken escapades, or if you interviewed all the girls in my past maybe find one or two I got a little fresh with on a date (although most women I've run into years later actually told me I wasn't aggressive enough and didn't take the liberties that I could have.) I'm a really nice guy, but you could maybe find stuff in my past to smear my reputation if I were a public figure up for a Senate nomination.
But Brett Kavanaugh is spotless. And that's why they have to manufacture this kind of lurid crap to even touch him. ALL FOUR of Kavanaugh's accusers have been exposed as liars with a clear Democrat partisan motive to destroy him. ALL FOUR. and it's a complete mystery to me why they haven't been tried for perjury. ALL FOUR.

What further pisses me off is how Democrats nationwide endorse these slander tactics, even after the last shred of plausibility has been wiped away.

Vicious pieces of excrement like Bill Maher who wish for a recession so the Democrats can beat Trump.
Or use nicknames like "Moscow Mitch" and call the Republican Senate majority leader a traitor and "Russian asset" based on absolutely no evidence, when it is in truth their party that has undermined U.S. national security and secretly conspired with the Russians for decades. Ted Kennedy and the Democrats were secretly negotiating behind Ronald Reagan's back in the 1980's to discourage them from making a peace deal and nuclear arms reduction with Reagan.

Since 1945, the Democrats have consistently been the "Russian asset" party, enabled Russian spies during the FDR and Truman years, sided against the U.S. during the Vietnam war, sided against the U.S. during the Persian Gulf war, blamed the U.S. for 9-11-2001, sided against the U.S. during the Iraq and Afghan wars, and are currently siding with China as Trump attempts to stop their 30 years of fleecing the United States in economic trade and cyber-theft.

The same Democrats who would still have an incredibly corrupt Hillary Clinton over Trump. Hillary Clinton, who was already exposed as the most corrupt candidate before Nov 2016, and incredibly, they still favor her after all that's been revealed about her criminality over the last 2-plus years.
The same Democrats who would support any of the current crop of DNC Bolsheviks in 2020, to complete the destruction of U.S. sovereignty that Obama and Hillary began. Their policies are the equivalent of the Chinese cultural revolution, and would fling open our borders, cripple our economy and kill millions of jobs, and complete the destruction of our military.

The rhetoric they unleash on Kavanaugh is the same they unleash on 15 year old Nicholas Sandmann and his entire Covington Catholic High School class, as they increasingly reveal they would like to unleash on all Republican/conservative Americans, as most recently exposed in the twitter posts of Deborah Messing and co-star Eric McCormack they would if they could launch a Nazi-like purge of Republicans, deny them the ability to work, deny them the ability to eat in restaurants, and deny them police protection and the right to free speech, just because they disagree with their conservative views.
How do you reason with these people?

Again, I'm concerned this is leading toward a Kristallnacht-like purge. Certainly there is no obstacle in the liberal media, or in the Democrat leadership's rhetoric that encourages turning down the rhetoric. And by not calling for restraint only encourages further escalation of liberal rhetoric, liberal intolerance and liberal violence.