Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Fact check-Were the whistleblower blower rules change?

Another conspiracy theory debunked.

Factcheck = Washington Post

Politifact = Tampa Tribune

Both are centerpieces of the Hate Trump (and really, Hate Republican) liberal media.

As I've cited before, 75% of their "factchecks" target Republicans, and only 25% of the time do they factcheck Democrats, to have some semblance of balanced non-partisan scrutiny.
And I've read many, MANY "factchecks" where I know for certain that Trump or some other Republican was 100% accurate in their public statements, but the "factcheck" sites label it as "partially true" or "somewhat true" by straining to find some context that wasn't covered in the comments. When Trump or whoever answers questions at a press conference for 10 minutes, or even 45 minutes, it is impossible to cover every nuance in a brief answer, no matter how much one tries.
And Republicans --of course!-- are subject to far more scrutiny in their comments, whereas liberal statements are just accepted as true without challence by liberal reporters and interviewers.

One comment I can recall by Trump was where he talked about islamic immigration to Sweden, that has resulted in a more than doubling of rape statistics there (roughly the time Trump made his "shithole nations" comment).
The liberal media and factcheckers labelled Trum ignorant and racist and "partly true" at best in his comments. Within a week, the true facts revealed that Trump's comments were 100% true.
And fuck the liberal "factcheckers". It is another attempt by the liberal media to hide behind a false veil of pseudo-objectivity, that they truly don't have. They are liberal media propagandists. And Snopes is another liberal apologist site. They are right sometimes, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

So you hate the folks that debunked a GOP conspiracy talking point. How should I feel about republicans that pushed the false conspiracy theory?

Fair play!