Like I said, at the very least, instead of brainwashing with one partisan point of view, Carlson offers both sides.

Carlson was also in favor of not going to war with Iraq about a month ago. He praised Trump at that time for NOT listening to his advisors and getting us into another costly war. As opposed to presidents Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, W. Bush and Obama.

God forbid you should ever give Trump credit for thinking independently and not dragging the U.S. into another costly war, and in his doing so opposing both the globalist Dems and the neocon Republicans.
I supported Pat Buchanan on this point, when he was the only one in the Republican party arguing this point. Buchanan argued that while they are small wars, such as Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf war, Iraq war, Haiti, Somalia, Libya, they cumulatively cost the U.S. trillions in new debt, the collective cost that he terms "death by a thousand cuts".

And the "naive" guy in the above article who argues the point of view that withdrawing from Syria is a good thing is a veteran of the Afghan war, and has seen daily war and the cost firsthand. Have you, M E M?

I'm willing to bet you didn't have the same opinion in Dec 2011 when Obama withdrew all forces from Iraq, and 2 years later ISIS invaded over the Syrian border and took half he country. If Trump similarly left no eyes on the ground and set the scene for a complete implosion, then he'll deserve the same criticism I give Obama.

But it's telling that you only criticize it when it's Trump withdrawing, and ignore the chaos caused by Obama's withdrawal in Iraq, the tens of thousands murdered by ISIS, the millions who have immigrated to and de-stabilized Europe.
If it's worst-case-scenario, Trump is repeating Obama's mistakes. But I suspect he has learned from Obama's mistakes, and is more forward thinking.