Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You're demonstrating selective outrage here. This is the reality. You continue to defend something that I wouldn't if it was reversed.

I posted a logical argument, citing multiple examples.

You responded with a label and demagogic talking point with no logic to back it up.
I condemn ACTUAL calls for violence.
I think a slightly edited scene from a movie turned into a joke about Trump doesn't even register as warranting the seriousness you give it. As I recall, you guys were equally outraged by the Trump/CNN/wrestling video two years ago. To MASK the vile indefensible behavior on your side, Democrats come up with talking points like what you're manufacturing here. Democrats have ACTUALLY called for Trump and Republican supporters to be harmed.

It's just like Trump is overseeing the strongest economy and the best economic performance in over 50 years, the lowest unemployment for just about every demographic, the greatest increase in wages. The lying Democrats and their P.R. wing the liberal media don't want to discuss that. So they manufacture fake outrage over piddly stuff like this.

And they call for impeachment of Trump based on a whistleblower report:
* from an anonymous person, but someone known to have loyalty to one of the 2020 Democrat candidates,
* a whisleblower known to have worked for Joseph Biden,
* who went to Adam Schiff's office who advised him how to cultivate the "whistleblower report" to do maximum damage to President Trump
* a report it took him 18 days to file
* a whistleblower report that neither the whistleblower or Adam Schiff disclosed was cultivated in Schiff's office, that they pointed the whistleblower to his lawyer (ANOTHER deep state CIA connected person)
* the proper procedure is to present a whistleblower report to representatives of both parties, but the Inspector General revealed that it was cultivated completely partisanly on the democrat side, and only when made public were Republican House intelligence committee members made aware, thereby instantly making it clear it was NOT a neutral report in pursuit of truth and transparency, but CLEARLY a partisan Democrat hit job, a smear campaign.
* a report that was just altered to allow 3rd-person hearsay instead of firsthand facts, very suspiciously by higher-ups in the CIA, and this allegation against the president is the VERY FIRST time a 3rd-person whistleblower report has been filed, a change signed off by Gina Haspel, who is vitriolic anti-Trump former CIA director John Brennan's handpicked replacement, as are her closest aides)
* Two staffers working for Rep. Adam Schiff previously worked with the CIA/whistleblower/rat/spy in the White House, and were hired in the last year by Schiff, ALSO undisclosed.
* All tying back to the same intelligence agencies (FBI, DOJ, CIA, DNI) that set up the Russia Hoax that dragged down Trump for over 2 years, that the Mueller Report finally made clear had no basis in reality. John Brennan is believed to be the architect of the Russiaa Hoax "insurance policy". And by just the oddest of coincidences the trail for the Ukraine Hoax and fake whistleblower report leads right back to Gina Haspel, his handpicked successor as director of the CIA. If I were Donald Trump, I would fire her and ner closest aides today.
* The second "whistleblower" (also anonymous) has no information, and is basically just repeating the allegations made by the first whistleblower/spy/rat. Another former CIA operative interviewed said that is another propaganda tactic they use, having another source with no new facts make what appears to be a fresh allegation, that really is just a repeating of the first, what he said in the field is termed "looping".

So... this is just another petty attack on Trump, with nothing solid to back it up. And next week, and the week after that, there will be another allegation and manufactured outrage, and another and aanother and another.

It's all Democrat theatre. Propped up by the DNC Newspeak on CNN, MSNBC, and the other liberal media networks.