Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
See my earlier comment about nuance. It's out the door for you with Obama. As brought up many times before the withdrawal date was set up while W was in office. The country wanted us to leave. While Bush was in office they were told we were liberators not occupiers. Yes Obama could have tried harder to stay but let's contrast that with Trump's retreat that appears to have left Russia with some nice American made bases. So stupid and unnecessary but so predictable. You voted for somebody that wasn't fit for the office.

It's not shocking anymore that you distort democratic positions while not even holding that lump of corrupt filth accountable for the things he actually says and does.

I would argue that Trump is more qualified and ready to be president than anyone since Ronald Reagan. Someone with a supreme understanding of economics who has amassed an estimated fortune of $4 billion, who has transacted business in 20 nations worldwide, who has met foreign leaders and as a matter of business understands international politics and finance. Who has been active in U.S. political campaigns with presidents, senators and congressmen for decades. Who has participated in presidential politics and been close friends with both the Reagans and the Clintons. THIS is the man you insult and diminish, while praising marxist idealogues who are hostile to the country itself, and want to transform it from a Constitutional republic into a marxist utopia. Or more accurately, an authoritarian one-party liberal-marxist police state.

It's a simple fact that Trump had the will to change the situation in Iraq/Syria, and by that sheer will, found a way to defeat ISIS 100% in Iraq/Syria in 18 months!

Obama lacked the will to do so, and it never happened in his 8 years.

Was Obama also bound by a similar troop-withdrawal agreement in the other 40 nations that ISIS spread to?
Absolutely not.

Obama was a weak and ideologically anti-American leader.
A cultural marxist radical. An anti-Colonialist. As is abundantly evident in Obama's own writings, in his actions as president, in his lifelong associations with radicals like Frank Marshall Davis, William Ayers and Valerie Jarrett, in the people he employed in his White House, in the policies he implemented.
Obama favored policy that weakened the hegemony of the United States, whether it was handing over wealth or oil-drilling rights to third-world nations, collapsing U.S. diplomatic and military infuence in the Middle East, allowing a radical Muslim-Brotherhood regime in Egypt, by inaction in Syria and Iraq sending millions of refugees to de-stabilize Europe, invading and then by inaction de-stabilizing Libya, or expanding the reach of radical Islam in nations worldwide.
Trump, in contrast, pursued a complete and decisive victory over ISIS, and now wants to withdraw troops. We have other forces in the area that can make targeted strikes and then quickly withdraw, as needed. Instead of being penny-arcade ducks on the front line in a shooting gallery, waiting to be shot at and draw us unneccessarily into a wider conflict.