On the slander that Trump is an "ISIS employee", "Russian asset", "Russian agent"...

Exclusive Interview: Donald Trump Jr. sits down with Ingraham - Jan 21, 2019

The multiple slanderous narratives the Democrats and complicit media have unleashed on Trump and his administration, that have all failed to destroy Trump, despite their best vicious efforts.

On what was then the latest "bombshell" lying media narrative that was sure to destroy Trump's presidency. No! Seriously! We really mean it this time! The media leaps on each lying narrative, usually disproven within 48 hours. All disproven within months at most, as the truth leaks out.
But the media desperately wants the PROVEN lies to be true, and they continue to sell it, even after disproven. Even disproven by the Mueller Report!

Trump Jr. sarcastically says "Yeah, the guy that's a billionaire, leading a pretty incredible lifestyle, he left all of that to go into this snakepit, to go into the swamp, to run against 16, 17 contenders, he's got zero chance of doing that, to then defeat Hillary Clinton, he had zero chance of doing that... he did all this because he's a Russian agent! The reason the media has no credibility is because this is what they do. This is what they do to themselves, each and every time."

With each false narrative they leap on that is again proven untrue, they further destroy their own credibility.
As do their masters, the Democrat party itself.