Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
While I'm sure you would prefer to go after Dems this still looks like Trump doing the same mistake that you raked Obama over the coals for. Isn't it dumber repeating a mistake?

It's the Democrats being guilty as sin of weaponizing federal agencies.
First in the case of Lois Lerner and the IRS, weaponizing the IRS against grassroots Tea Party and religious conservative groups, and Republican campaign donors, as part of a web of abuses to steal the 2012 election.
And "fast and furious" where the Obama administration was running guns through ATF to Mexican drug cartels and getting a lot of people killed, just so they could blame it on gun retailers and, based on that deception, rationalize a crackdown on gun retailers and shut down the 2nd amendment. Exposed, that backfired on Obama, but no one was punished for it.
Among other Democrat abuses of power.

And getting away with that, Obama and the piece of shit Democrats were emboldened to weaponize federal intelligence agencies to faalsify FISA warrants and spy on and with falsified evidence smear the Trump campaign. This all should have ended with the Mueller Report, and Mueller's testimony in the pathetic failure when Mueller was summoned to tesify before the House.
And now, very suspiciously, all of a sudden when FOUR federal investigations have failed, this anonymous "whistleblower", a CIA plant inside the White House, with partisan ties having worked for Joseph Biden, who instead of going to the entire judiciary committe spent 18 days crafting a partisan attack with Adam Schiff's office, who has a lawyer selected for him by Schiff's office (a lawyer with heavy ties to the Depp State CIA), whose very "whistleblower report" was made possible by mysterious changes at the highest levels of the CIA, which NO ONE CAN EVEN EXPLAIN WHO OR WHEN THE CHANGES TO THE WHISTLEBLOWER REPORT WAS CHANGED TO ALLOW USING HEARSAY TO ATTACK A PRESIDENT, no less!
Connected to Gina Haspel, who is the handpicked successor of former CIA director John Brennan, who is the plotter of the Russia Hoax coup. Who is by coincidence Trump's most vitriolic critic. Brennan, whose highest former advisors are now Haspel's advisors, one of whom came out of retirement to serve Haspel (and the coup).

Closed-door hearings, where Republicans are not even allowed to call witnesses of cross-examine witnesses, where Republicans are not even allowed copies of the transcripts of those witness interviews!
Pure deception.
Abuse of power.

The Democrat way.

When Democrats accuse Republicans of stuff, it's to create a distraction from the fact that Democrats are the ones who doing these exact things.
All to try and distract from and/or discredit the pending A G reports, and the Durham and Barr investigations that are about to expose all these Democrats and Deep State FBI/DOJ/CIA/DNI officials.

If the grassroots cattle who vote Democrat had any ethics whatsoever, they would want their side held up to the same scrutiny and the same rule of law and put under the same microscope of investigation Trump is being held to. In the name of rule of law (as occurred with both Nixon and Clinton under those impeachment proceedings) they would hold the same standard of open disclosure and equal access to summoning and deposing witnesses, and transcripts. It enrages me what the Democrats are doing. This is just another example of the authoritarian abuse of power Democrats would engage in if they ever regained power over all three branches. A Bolshevik revolution.