Courtesy of Wikipedia, a one-sided profile of Elijaah Cummings, that astonishingly ignores all his negatives and scandals:

Not even a mention of the fact he called Trump a racist, so racist he wouldn't even attend Trump's Jan 2017 inauguration. Based on no evidence. Just to stain the President. But for political reasons, a few dozen Democrat legislators followed his lead, and also did not attend Trump's inauguration, from the very first day setting a divisive and rabidly intolerant Democrat posture toward the president. Scorched earth by Democrats from the very first day.

Did anyone ever hear Cummings say a single word about Ralph Northam?
Bill and Hillary Clinton (both mentored by racist politicians, "preserve our Southern heritage" defending the Confederate flag, Bill saying of Obama "A few years ago he would have been bringing us coffee")?
Did Elijah Cummings ever condemn Jesse "I used to spit in white people's soup" Jackson?
Or Harry "offensive black dialect" Reid?
Justin "blackface" (multiple times) Trudeau?
Robert (former KKK leader, "white n*ggers" comment) Byrd?

Cummings turned a blind eye to bigotry in his own party, even as he reflexively called the Republicans racist at every turn, stoking racial hatred in his own party, and resentment on both sides.

Long after Elijah Cummings is lowered into the ground today, Trump's legacy on race will be the increased wages and jobs he has created for all Americans, and arguably more for blacks than any president since Abraham Lincoln.
Yeah, what a "racist".

As Trump enters his second term, Cummings and other rage-aholic Democrats will be remembered as the guys who tried to angrily divide America for their own short term political gain, while Trump took the abuse and just went about his business and saved the country.