Originally Posted By: the G-man
She’s right to be outraged that somebody leaked her photos. That’s beyond the pale.

However if she was having an affair with a staffer she deserves the appropriate penalty for that.

And I think we all know if this was reversed and it was a republican it would be the top story 24/seven and nobody in the mainstream media would be defending her.

Oh, fuck yeah! If this were a Republican... particularly a male Republican.

She's getting off easy by comparison.

If she had sexual relationships with people who were not employees that would not be as bad. If these were sexual relationships with staffers who were in their 30's and 40's who she didn't have both an employer and life advantage over it would not be as bad.
The 24 year old girl staffer as much as said the relationship hurt her.

The amazing thing is the girl staffer in a text to Hill said she "owns it", while the U.S. representative blames "right wingers" for her own bad decisions. And certainly her jilted husband is more to blame than "right wing media".