Originally Posted By: M E M
Mueller quite clearly said they didn't consider collusion so it's just not true to say the report cleared him of that. And Mueller was very clear that Trump could be inficted after he leaves office. Weasel words=whatever doesn't suit your false narrative.

No. Only on Planet CNN/MSNBC/MediaMatters is that narrative not laughably off the mark.

Here on planet Earth, There were FOUR federal investigations that were ended due to insufficient evidence. (i.e., NOT GUILTY).

The remaining ambiguity was thrown in to damage Trump by the 17 partisan DEMOCRAT CAMPAIGN DONORS on the Mueller team. To give Nadler, Schiff, and Maxine Waters the slightest rationalization to form more purely political investigations, despite no evidence to support further investigation of Trump.

At this point, it's all about Dems manufacturing the slightest appearance of wrongdoing, to smear Trump and shave a few percentage points off his popularity before Nov 2020.