Another piece you'll never see in the liberal media, Michael Flynn's lawyer Sydney Powell (a prosecutor who also worked on the Whitewater investigation and the Enron and Arthur Anderson cases):

Flynn attorney demands FBI search internal database, claims FBI manipulated interview notes - Nov 5 2019, Tuesday

Detailing the shakedown techniques used aagainst Michael Flynn, to make him confess and receive a sentence for "process crimes" he wasn't guilty of. Even Peter Strzok, one of the two FBI agents who ambushed Flynn without an attorney (on Comey's orders) in order to manufacture a process crime, didn't think Flynn was deliberately misleading or omitting anything in his answers to the FBI.

But regardless, Flynn was bankrupted, had to sell his home to pay for his defense, and once bankrupted, was further threatened with prosecuting his son unless Flynn too the offered plea deal.

Sydney Powell is working to have that plea/conviction overturned.
And rightly so.

Here's her previous appearance with Mark Levin, where she went into much more detail, one of Levin's best interviews:

Life, Liberty, & Levin - Guest Sidney Powell - Sunday, January 27 2019

Where she also goes into the long history of shakedown convictions by the tag-team of James Comey, Robert Mueller, and Andrew Weissmann, weaving through the Scooter Libby conviction, Enron, Arthur Anderson, and the same shakedown tactics used in the Trump investigation. Just ask George Pappadapoulos, Roger Stone, Carter Page, Sam Clovis, Michael Caputo, and Jerome Corsi, among others. Many of whom are still having their lives destroyed by FBI/DOJ.

Michael Caputo in particular is eloquent when interviewed, on both Fox and OANN. He details how despite being guilty of nothing, he has had to exhaust $200,000 on his legal defense, for charges of which he has never been officially indicted. And even worse, the FBI repeatedly interview all his friends, family, business associates and clients. And because of the intimidation factor, virtually all of his clients have stopped doing business with him, for fear that they too might be indicted if they remain close to him.

An infuriating abuse of power, and exerting of federal intimidation against political opponents.