Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Impeaching Trump btw is a lot more popular by the public than Clinton's or even Nixon's up till when he resigned.

As I said, independents have dropped in support of impeachment from 48% to 34% in just one week.

The only ones who poll over 80% in support of impeachment are partisan Democrats, who rather than being persuaded by evidence, simply leap at any contrivance that would allow Democrats to attack Trump.

AGAIN: There is no evidence to warrant an impeachment. The only reason the polls ever had that high a level of support for impeachment is because of biased public hearingss that didn't allow Republicans to call witnesses, for Republicans to even be able to cross-examine Democrat witnesses, or for Republicans to present exculpatory evidence. And even of what was permitted to appear in hearings, it was behind closed doors, and Democrats unetically leaked to the press ONLY the portions that supported their lying narrative.

Since Democrats' lying narrative has been exposed, support for impeachment has been in continuous decline.

Democrats are a party whose very existence is dependent on selective omission of the facts and complete deception. When people see brief glimpses of what the Demcorats are really about (hating cops, hating America, protraying our soldiers as thugs and Nazis, amnesty for illegals, freeing rapists when they could just turn them over to ICE, HEALTH CARE for illegals, on and on) Democrat voter support drops like a stone.

It's only by race demagoguery and other hate and fear tactics that Democrats turn public support away from Republicans. (That and RINOs like Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio, who campaign as conservatives, and then don't follow through on what they promised to get elected. The Republicans who don't support Trump's agenda are the ones who generally lose. Because Trump is doing what was promised to voters, whereas the RINO's are not.)