Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Newt's a partisan shill. A turd that keeps floating up after many flushes.

Your insults are not facts, and manifest YOUR pettiness, not his.

Gingrich is a powerful strategist, who orchestrated a Republican revolution in 1994 that gave the Republicans control of both houses of Congress for the first time in 50 years. And Gingrich's promised, and effective, legislation was all passed into law, even if much of it was obstructed and vetoed by Bill Clinton.

As opposed to the Cultural Marxist Bolsheviks who run the Democrat party, and consistently lie, even to their own base. Democrats' priority is their own power. Hillary Clinton exemplifies the Democrats, secretly in Brazil saying to her globalist donors: "It's important to have a public policy and a private policy." In other words lie to the voters, say one thing to get elected, and then pursue a different secret agenda when elected.

Which is actually the exact same strategy Barack Obama is giving to the 2020 Democrat candidates now: Don't be honest, lie to voters now, and pursue your real agenda once elected.

A party built completely on lies, deception, vicious slander of their opponents, or even their Democrat competitors. The party of slander, intimidation and violence. A party exemplified by their treatment of Brett Kavanaugh, Nicholas Sandman and the students of Covington Catholic high school. And the party of the current Stalinist abuse of power directed at Trump in impeachment hearings. And for that matter, your party's eating of their own in the cases of Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, and anyone else who in the way of the Democrat-Bolshevik party line.
The party that hates America, that undermines our military, that endorses attacking our founders, tearing down their statues and holidays, of delegitimizing our national history.
The party that hates cops.
The party of open borders, of staging armed raids and other attacks on ICE and Border Patrol, while shouting the verbatim rhetoric of Democrat House members as they unleash bullets and firebombs on ICE offices.

Based on those examples, who are the real "turds"?

Yours is literally the party that is destroying the United States from within, and enabling the Chinese, Russians, North Koreans, Iranians and islamic terrorists, and enabling anyone else who would like to destroy us. Literally, these countries would have negotiated with Trump and conceded by now, but now with the impeachment deception, they now see Trump as weak, even though Trump will remain in office, and all are all hoping a Democrat candidate can defeat Trump, so they can go back to business as usual, the business of destroying America.

Biden's deals with China and Ukraine, for example, that gave his son Hunter Biden a $1.5 billion Chinese bank investment deal, marks the point where Biden went soft in his China rhetoric and commanded U.S. naval ships to stop patrolling parts of the South China Sea.

The Clinton Foundation enriching the Clintons, selling potential presidential influence and State Department access, in exchange for hundreds of millions from rogue governments, is another example of the Democrats at the highest level being corrupt to the core.

And there are certainly plently more examples. Because corruption is not something that occasionally happens in the Democrat party, it is the essence and lifeblood of what your party is all about.

"Turds" doesn't half cover it.