Originally Posted By: WB

Jonathan Turley is the ONLY one before hearings who cited a universal standard for impeachment, and in his detached politeness made the Democrats on the House Committee, and the liberal activist law professors sitting next to him, all look like fools.

 Originally Posted By: M E M

He felt differently during the Clinton impeachment so no need to try to trick me WB on him being a nonpartisan.

Jonathan Turley has been the go-to legal scholar for CNN for 15 or 20 years. Democrats **loved** Turley when he was giving a similar polite condemnation of the Bush administration over things like the Patriot Act, or waterboarding prisoners, or Abu Ghraib, or the legal basis for invading Iraq.

But now that Turley goes against liberal orthodoxy, the Democrat/Left is doing their damnedest to destroy him.

Likewise Alan Dershowitz, who condemned the Bill Clinton impeachment, and now holds the same standard, that while President Trump has done things that are questionable, they don't rise to the level of impeachment. Because of their consistent standards, they now aren't invited to the same cocktail parties, and in Turley's case, there is a flood of [liberal/Democrat] phone calls to his university demanding he be fired.

For Bolshevik Democrats, those who don't conform to their liberal orthodoxy, even their fellow liberals who dissent ever so slightly and exhibit any deviation from the liberal talking points, HAVE to be destroyed. Not merely disagreed with in a public debate, DESTROYED!

If you bothered to watch the linked opening statement above by Turley, he voted for Hillary Clinton, but still objects to the rush to judgement by Democrats, and the Democrats' lack of impartial due process, as compared to the truly bipartisan and impartial impeachment proceedings against both Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton.