Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
As to your complaint about this not being a bipartisan impeachment, that would be nice but i really don't see any chance of that happening with republicans. Lindsey Graham originally said it would be deeply troubling if the President engaged in a quidproquo.

I think Sen. Graham spoke in those words before knowing the true facts. Since Graham made that statement, Trump released the transcript of the complete July 25th Trump/Zelensky phone call, proving he did nothing wrong.
And after that, Zelensky has done multiple televised interviews, maaking very clear there was absolutely no [i]quid pro quo[/b], or intimidation, or blackmail, or coercion, or extortion, or whatever new term the Democrats are ffocus-group-testing this week.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
When Sondland testified under oath that there was one Graham stated he stopped reading the transcripts.

That's not accurate. Sondlan said that "In my opinion" Trump had engaged in quid pro quo. To which the Republican congressman questioning him said "And that is nothing!"
And that was right after Sondland had said that Trump had said "I want nothing, no quid pro quo, I want Zelensky to do the right thing", what Zelensky had campaigned and got elected on, a promise to investigate and eliminate corruption in Ukraine.

 Originally Posted By: M E M

The one republican that was for impeachment was attacked for breaking ranks and is no longer a republican.

Rep. Justin Amash, of Michigan.

Who was a Republican and then became a Democrat. Over his 8 previous years, Amash has increasingly become a RINO, particularly since Trump's election, where he often opposes Trump exccutive orders and legislation. He lists now as "Independent", but caucuses with Democrats, and therefore is a de facto Democrat.

I think like Marco Rubio, he fronted as a Republican, even as a Freedom Caucus/Tea Party conservative, but like Rubio, has increasingly betrayed that base, and after his initial election has morphed into a RINO. At best, a never-Trumper. He supported Rand Paul in 2016, and then endorsed Ted Cruz. I don't see where he has ever supported Trump.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Even if it somehow costs the democrats votes I think it's important to make Trump's attempts to withhold foreign aid for an investigation of his political rival an impeachable offense.

That would be more persuasive and admirable, if you ever held the Democrats to the same standard.

First, there is no solid proof that Trump did anything wrong. The "quid pro quo" allegation is so nonspecific and nebulous as to mean nothing, no specific charge, just a half-baked rationalization to impeach Trump.
EVERYONE accusing Trump, from the state department staff at the Ukraine embassy, to the NSC, to Vindman, to Yovanovich, to the whistleblower/Eric Ciaramella, have all proven to be deeply committed Obama/Hillary idealogues. If Ciaramella went public, he would quickly destroy his own credibility as "the whistleblower", with his deep and vocal loyalties to Obama and Hillary, and his vocal opposition to all things Trump. Only by staying in the shadows and not fully revealed does the "whistleblower" complaint retain any public credibility. It is a campaign based completely on deception. As is the consistent Democrat way, whether the issue is impeachment, border security, illegal immigration, Obamacare, global warming, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, George Zimmerman, Benghazi, on and on. The first kneejerk impulse of the Democrat party is always deceiving the voters with an incendiary false narrative.

Second, what Democrats falsely allege Trump guilty of, is 1,000 times more evident and obvious guilt in the cases of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in their positions as public officials, but somehow you, and more broadly the Demcorat base, never think that evidence warrants investigation of them. Gregg Jarrett details the multiple specific federal laws they could be prosecuted for in his Russia Hoax book.

It is infuriating and obscene that your side wants to destroy Trump and those who served in his campaign and White House (or even those who simply support him), based on no evidence.
Brett Kavanaugh.
Nicholas Sandmann, and the Covington Catholic High School class.
Paul Manafort.
Michael Flynn.
George Papadapoulos.
Carter Page.
Roger Stone.
Jerome Cosi.
Michael Caputo.

And yet turns a blind eye to actual crimes, often crimes far worse than what your side alleges about Republicans, in the cases of Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Rep. Gerry Studds, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid...
And especially the crimes of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and their inner circles.

The double standard where you want to convict people like Trump or Brett Kavanaugh when there is no evidence, but refuse to even look at mountains of evidence for the guilt of Democrats, is just unbelievable.