Originally Posted By: M E M
I would agree that objective fact isn't political spin but what you offer isn't objective. Nor is it in anyway a legitimate rationale for Trump to continue to block testimony and documents that from his impeachment trial. You want to talk about soviet style tactics! I think the earlier pretense was that the House process was unfair but Trump will still keep blocking that evidence while Moscow Mitch coordinates strategy with him. How utterly corrupt!

What specifically that I said was not fact?
I cited objective facts, and even linked and sourced them. I could speculate beyond that, but those are the objective facts, beyond any "political spin".

The Ukranians cited clearly did favor Hillary Clinton, they clearly did the things I cited to interfere in the 2016 U.S. election. Despite what Democrat partisans Yovanovich or Fiona Hill have said to the contrary. Those are the facts.

As I've said repeatedly, the Democrats in the House Judiciary and intelligence committees in their impeachment hearings CLEARLY did not follow the same unquestionaably fair and impartial standard for hearings that was set in the Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton impeachment proceedings.
Trump was denied participation of his counsel, was denied by Democrats the ability to call witnesses in his defense, was denied by Democrats the ability to present exculpatory evidence that would prove his innocence, was even denied by Democrats the ability to cross-examine DEMOCRAT witnesses!
If Republicans in the Judiciary committee asked questions, the Democrat majority on the committee could take a vote to shut down their line of questioning, just because they didn't like the questions! There was no reciprocal check on the Democrats' questions or witnesses. And ultimately, much of the hearings were behind closed doors in the SCIF room, and Democrats/Adam Schiff would leak out-of-context to the media portions after hearings each day what he felt smeared Trump.

Republican House members were not even allowed to sit in on the closed door hearings! And about a month later, Democrats eventually provided transcripts of the closed-door SCIF depositions, but that 1) denied Republicans the firsthand visual ability to read the witness' body language to see if they're lying, relying only on the written transcript that doesn't include that non-verbal aspect, 2) The transcripts did not allow Republicans to respond or cross-examine witnesses in weeks-old transcripts, and 3) the transcripts were provided late enough that they could not respond in a timely manner to the depositions, or even read them amidst the slam of public hearings occurring at the time the transcripts were finally released.

So... Trump not cooperating with this kangaroo court stacked against him was the only way Trump could fight back, and use the condition of more fair and bipartisan hearings (as in the previous cases of the Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton impeachments!) as the requirement before Trump would cooperate.

Trump has nothing to apologize for. It is the Democrats who have conducted an un-Constitutional Soviet-style court that denies rights to the accused.

If Democrats would give Trump fair proceedings, the same type of bipartisan proceedings as in the Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton House impeachments then Trump and his staff would cooperate. But the Democrats had their obcenely unfair proceedings for two months, and polls manifest the outrage that a majority of voters feel about that blatant unfairness. Democrats never allowed fair proceeedings, so we are now way past the opportunity to have fair and bipartisan proceedings.

Now House Democrats, who were blatantly unfair in their hearings, want to tell the Republican majority in the Senate how to conduct Senate hearings!
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:


Democrats certainly never set a good example in the House, and it is not within their authority to tell the Senate Republican majority what to do.