Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It's legitimate oversight and hardly subjective to be making accusations that it's lies.

No, what the Democrats are saying is quantifiably lies.
I've lost track of how many times Adam Schiff's narrative has won him five Pinnochios.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
If this was a democrat this is where I would know he's guilty.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Dream on. That's wishful thinking on your part. In the cases of both Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton, both special investigations documented evidence of actual crimes. In the Trump case, there was no case that could be made for Trump having been guilty of a crime, to warrant going forward with impeachment. PERIOD.

The Democrats know there is insufficient evidence to convict Trump in a Senate trial, and that the same evidence in any normal trial would be thrown out of court without a trial for inssufficient evidence.
Thaat is why they are desperately trying to create another narrative, and prolong the handoff of impeachment to the Senate.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
If those documents and testimony could have helped [Trump] you know he would have provided them instead of trying to block all of it.

No, Trump is not cooperating at this point in protest to the very process Democrats have set up for Trump being unfair. Look at the Nixon and Clinton impeachments for what a fair process looks like.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
And the earlier excuse for not cooperating doesn't hold because republicans control the senate. There isn't a good reason for him not to produce the witnesses and documents now. Instead it looks like we truly will get a fake trial that won't actually absolve him one bit.

Trump has every right to not cooperate, and to exert executive privelege, or his basic rights as a U.S. citizen. Democrats have unlawfully screwed him and twisted the narrative at every step, why should Trump cooperate?

If Democrats had followed a lawful and fair process during the House impeachment hearings, THIS NEVER WOULD HAVE EVEN REACHED A HOUSE IMPEACHMENT HEARING, OR HAVE REACHED THE POINT OF MOVING TO THE SENATE.
Trump was FAR more cooperative and forthcoming with documents than either Nixon or Clinton were during their previous impeachments.

And Trump unprecedentedly released transcripts of TWO phone calls with Ukrainian president Zelensky. And that alone proves Trump's innocence of what Dems allege.
As does the fact that Zelensky has repeatedly said in televised interviews there was no quid pro quo, no pressure, no bribery, no intimidation, no blackmail, or whatever focus-group-selected catch-phrase lying narrative the Democrats are ussing this week.

Democrats are desperately groping at smoke. there is no case.