Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
What you call nothing looks to be Bolton’s first hand account that confirms Trump withholding the foreign aid that congress passed for his own personal gain. The nation is watching what the GOP controlled Senate is doing. A trial without Bolton testifying would be a transparent sham.


We all know that no matter what Bolton says, Democrats will say Republicans are suppressing evidence and witnesses. No matter what Trump or Senate Republicans concede, Democrats will always come back with the talking points that it's not enough and the Republicans need to concede even more.

Your side had months to bring forward any witnesses they wanted, to make the case you allege in the House. But the Dems rushed it through the House without evidence.
Now they're because THEY (not Republicans) didn't make the case, and are trying to blame someone else.

Your side for 3 years has jumped at every half-baked liberal media "bombshell" revelation about Trump. Ohh, this time for sure, it'll be the silver bullet that kills Donald Trump! And every time, usually in less than a week the story is revealed to be completely false, and the media in their zeal to take down Trump ran with it before confirming the story.

John Bolton has revealed nothing. NOTHING! It is way premature to say this will take down Trump. This will end for Dems the same way it has every week for 3 years...