I posted a long RealClearPolitics article on Eric Ciaramella earlier in the topic.

This article references that earlier article, and cites that multiple news sites and Republican Senate members, Republican House members, and multiple Trump officials have linked and reposted that RealClearPolitics article.

This heavy.com article expands on what was known at the time of the RealClearPolitics Investigations article, with details learned since then. Foremost of which are whistleblower/Eric Ciaramella's intricate Democrat partisan-loyalist-ideological ties, his favor in the Obama administration, his direct employment for V P Joseph Biden, his ties to Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and the White House NSC office, and his through those contacts, to the office of Rep. Adam Schiff, WHO HELPED HIM DRAFT THE "WHISTLEBLOWER" COMPLAINT. And who even directed Ciaramella to his CIA-connected aid and Andrew Bakaj.
And then Schiff lied about that help.

Further, whistleblower/Ciaramella's "ties to Democrats, including Biden, Schiff, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of Intelligence James Clapper and former National Security Adviser Susan Rice".

Amazing how this "whistleblower" is tied to pretty much everyone in the intelligence community.
And in particular, to everyone who plotted and unleashed the disproven Trump/Russia "collusion" narrative!


Everyone realizes that if the whistleblower were beneficial to Trump or any Republican, liberal media reporters would expose his true identity within a day.
But because the false narrative hurts Trump and the Republicans as long as the true facts remain unknown, these same reporters are protecting Ciaramella's identity, under some nonexistent code of liberal journalistic ethics, to keep the lying narrative alive, leaving "the whistleblower" with some degree of plausible credibility to undermine Trump. Once Ciaramella's liberal ideology and partisanship are made known, that credibility will be gone.

As we've seen many times, no such "honor" or protection of journalistic ethics exists for sources that expose conservatives. Republicans know that they can't speak to reporters in confidence or "off the record" anymore. That protection only exists for Democrats.