It's so frustrating with you and the Dems, M E M, because you want to imprison Trump and throw away the key for the slightest ambiguity in a July 25th phone cal.
And yet simultaneously, you want to look the other way and not even investigate, let alone convict, Democrats for crimes that are 100 times worse and more obvious.

Joseph Biden, pimping his son to the Ukranians and the Chinese, getting him a job for which Hunter Biden (just dishonorably disscharged from the military for smoking crack) was infinitely unqualified. That's on top of similar unqualified high-paying jobs for MBNA and Amtrak, who at the time were large donors and beneficiaries from then-Senator Joseph Biden (a k a, "the Senator from MBNA").

Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server, that compromised U.S. national security every day she was secretary of state.
This you have no problem with.

Hillary Clinton and her staff deleting and bleachbitting 33,000 self-incriminating emails, and smashing computers, and smashing cel-phones, that were ALL supoenaed by the FBI and House/Senate investigators at the time, for several months. Michael Cohen and Michael Flynn and Roger Stone the FBI seized at gunpoint to allegedly prevent them from destroying evidence, with more armed officers than were used to kill Bin Laden. But Hillary and her corrupt staff were given free reign for months to destroy tens of thousands of documents.
This you have no problem with.

The Clinton Foundation making hundreds of millions of dollars in donations from hostile and brutal rogue nations, taking huge donations in exchange for selling them access and cooperation from Hillary Clinton's U.S. state department.
This you have no problem with.

Hillary Clinton while secretary of state ignoring multiple pleas for months from Benghazi state department staff, begging her for more security. Despite two bombing attempts in those months, one of them leaving a huge 6-foot wide hole in the perimiter wall around the embassy.
This you have no problem with.

And then Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration lying to cover up that negligence, that got four Benghazi embassy and CIA staffers killed. And if for CIA military staffers didn't disobey orders to stand down and instead AGAINST ORDERS staged a rescue, that death total would have included the 40 embassy staff that they rescued, rescuing them at the cost of their own lives. No thanks to Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration. WE STILL HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHERE HILLARY CLINTON OR OBAMA WERE THE DURING THE HOURS OF THE BENGHAZI ATTACK. In any case, they sat on their hands and did nothing to save those at the Benghazi embassy. AND THEN MADE UP A FAKE NARRATIVE THAT THEY TOLD FOR 6 WEEKS, THAT IT WASN'T AN AL QAIDA ATTACK, WHEN THEY KNEW IT TRULY WAS. We know this now, AFTER THE 2012 ELECTION, only because of Hillary Clinton's e-mails to the Libyan government and to daughter Chelsea Clinton that clearly said it was an Al Qaida attack.
But they lied to narrowly win the 2012 election.
And got a lot of people killed.
This you have no problem with.

But when Donald Trump makes a July 25th phone call with the Ukranian president, and in a friendly way asks Zelensky to cooperate in sharing documentation of corruption of Burisma and Hunter Biden, who multiple officials in the preceding Obama government had warned and raised flags about, corruption that Trump was perfectly within his presidential power to investigate... this you have a problem with. Whereas none of the other stuff you think even warrants investigation.

And despite every partisan attempt of your Bolshevik party in the last 3-plus years to abuse state power and rig every investigation, Trump has been found not guilty, because he did nothing wrong.

For me, justice will only be served when the Bolsheviks who rigged the investigation and tried to slander and destroy Trump are brought to justice, and THEMSELVES go to jail:

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.
James Comey.
Andrew McCabe.
Bruce and Nellie Ohr.
John Brennan.
James Clapper.
Eric Ciaramella.
And maany others in FBI and DOJ.

And for their part in ACTUAL purchase of information from foreign governments, including from 2 Russian intelligence chiefs, Hillary Clinton and multiple members of her campaign staff and the DNC, who paid millions to foreign officiaals through Glenn Simpson, Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele.

And for orchestrating abuse by FBI, CIA and other branches of government to issue multiple falsely obtained FISA warrants, and infiltrating/entrapping/planting bait for Trump officials, Barack Obama and several of his chief advisors who sat in on the meetings with FBI and CIA officials, surveillance of a presidential campaign that only a president could approve, should go to jail. They were briefed and gave approval all along.
(LISA PAGE, text to Strzok: "POTUS wants to know everything we are working on." )

To jail.

These are the people who staged a coup against an elected president, and have engaged in illegitimate scheme after illegitimate scheme (deliberately sabotaging the FBI Hillary Clinton e-mails investigation, opening a 10-month FBI investigation of Trump based on deliberately false evidence just to hurt his campaign, deliberately falsifying illegal FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign, baiting traps with FBI-hired "assets" to smear Trump officials, leaking documents to create a Mueller special investigation by illicit means, and when those all failed manufacturing a Ukraine narrative through an anonymous "whistleblower" to open a new false narrative and investigation) ALL to remove Trump by any illicit and pseudo-legal means.

I also think Adam Schiff, for his falsifying of evidence and abusing his position, should possibly face criminal charges. To be investigated by Congress and removed from office at the very least. Devin Nunes was falsely accused and investigated for far less.