Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Props to Romney btw. I think I can still hear Trump jr crying for his head

Romney is a self-serving traitor with an axe to grind. Trump doesn't have to do anything. The voters of Utah will not re-elect Romney. He just ended what was left of his political career.

Romney wasn't right or serving any higher purpose. It was a petty vindictive act against Trump, much like McCain's vindictive vote against Obamacare. With that act Romney destroyed himself.

Uhm how is Romney being self serving? Reading what he said about Trump’s guilt he made it pretty clear that he was going to pay for doing the right thing. Trump is well known for petty attacks even after the other person has died. Romney knows he’s probably committed political suicide but he was willing to vote his conscience.

Fair play!