By the way, Doctor Evil's "mini-me" in the Austin Powers movies is a small version of himself. I don't recall the "flawed" part.

Trump calls Bloomberg "Mini-Mike" is a joke on Bloomberg's height, implying that he's so short he could be someone's mini-me. Trump has a gift for nicknames that stick.
"Little hands Marco".
"Low-energy Jeb".
"Crying Chuck."

Pocaahantas is my favorite, it really snaps Elizabeth Warren's boundless hypocrisy and her incredible whopper lies in full perspective. Warren is one of the most unnatural and genuinely creepy pod-people fake humans I've ever witnessed. So creepy, and yet holding such morbid fascination it's hard to look away from the hideous display. A woman with absolutely no Native-American DNA, who PRETENDED to be Cherokee, displacing some ACTUAL Native-American so she could earn a six-figure income at Harvard, making a lifelong profession of exploiting minorities and playing a minority victim, while enriching herself on the backs of actual minorities. Just incredible.

Well, I'm going to get... a beer!