Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
And because republicans used their majority to help Trump’s obstruction of witnesses it really was a sham trial and acquittal. After the John Bolton leaks, it’s very apparent how much of a sham it was.

No, that's ass-backwards.

Democrats obstructed a thorough investigation and did not call the witnesses they should have, as they whipped through their scam rubber-stamp impeachment in 78 days, for pure political reasons to get it done befoee Christmas.
Soviet-style, the Democrats were hell-bent on impeaching Trump and going to do so NO MATTER WHAT THE EVIDENCE. So they whipped it through, and then blamed Senate Republicans for not doing the investigation that they, the House Democrats, were supposed to do.
And they blamed Trump for not cooperating, despite that they set up rules that unfairly prevented him and his lawyers from conducting an adequate defense. Of 78 days of impeachment, I think Trump's lawyers were permitted to attend 3 or 4 days.

There was nothing in the Trump impeachment rules Democrats set up (unlike the bipartisan Nixon impeachment rules, unlike the bipartisan Clinton impeachment rules) that ever tried to establish the unquestionably fair bipartisan practices of the two previous impeachments. And without fair bipartisan rules, there was NO WAY Republicans were going to just roll over and cooperate with unfair rules.

As Mitch McConnell said in a Senate floor statement right after the Senate acquittal, Democrats' clear plan was to force the Senate to call witnesses THAT THE HOUSE DEMOCRATS DIDN'T AND WOULDN'T for the calculated purpose of blaming the Senate for the failed case the House Democrats didn't make, and to use prolonged Senate hearings with no evidence to smear Senate Republicans and win a Democrat Senate majority in the Nov 2020 election.
House Democrats knew they were NEVER NEVER NEVER going to impeach and remove Trump, but Democrats calculated kicking it to the Senate for long hearings with no evidence as a way for Dems to win the Senate.
But Senate Republicans cleverly didn't take the bait. And now it's over.

The Democrat party is entirely built on lies, slander, intimidation, mob rule and deception. How glorious that these evil bastards were defeated, AGAIN.