If Buttegeig were a Republican, his entire record would have been slammed since the first day he announced. Just ask Dr. Ben Carson, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, Chris Christie, Herman Cain or Rick Santorum. These guys got blasted from the day t hey announced, with a waiting salvo from the liberal media waiting to fire the moment they announced.

Compare with Obama, who even after completing roughly 2 years of primaried in 2007-2008 and 8 years in office, *was never* fully vetted by the liberal media. His socialist/marxist ideology, his membership in the marxist Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Frank Marshall Davis, William Ayers, Rashid Khalidi, Derrick Bell, the racist rants of wife Michelle Obama, Obama's marxist advisors such as Van Jones, Ron Bloom, Valerie Jarrett, Anita Dunn, Marl Lloyd, marxist and anti-american and muslim radical lawyers appointed to Obama's DOJ, many of whom are still there, moles boring away destroying from within.

Over 10 years in the national spotlight, and the liberal media has still not explored what they unleashed in *ONE DAY* against any of these Republicans.

Likewise with Buttigeig, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren. The liberal media could rip any of them open like a Pinata if they wanted to. But instead the media are protecting them.
Vive le resistance!