Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Bolton’s willing to testify, republicans just don’t want him to for obvious reasons. Hide, obstruct, accuse and perpetual investigation is your party. It’s laughable that you even spout your bs after the gop blocked Bolton’s testimony.

It's nuts to blame this on Republicans. It's the Democrats who are hiding and obstructing any investigation of Obama, Hillary, their ideological robots at the FBI, DOJ and CIA.

Even if Bolton were to testify, he's a sour-grapes fired employee with nothing to back up his allegations.

You guys hated Bolton for 20 years, but now that he's a potential witness against Trump, Dems love Bolton and hang on his every unscrutinized word as absolute gospel truth.
Likewise former Trump attorney Michael Cohen. You hated the guy for years, and as soon as he turned on Trump he could say no wrong.
Likewise Romney, hated for roughly 20 years, you demonized him as an evil rich guy, a white supremacist racist, an anti-gay bully, a guy whose venture capitalism caused a woman to die of cancer (except the facts don't back that up), on and on. But now that Romney sided with impeaching Trump for transparent payback reasons, he's courageous, he's eloquent, he's a truth-telling hero of the Democrat/Left.

Amazing how you guys make polar flips in your views and never even worry about how to rationalize it. The only logic of it is it backs your lying propaganda talking points.