Another funny movie is The Favor

Where a pretty blonde housewife (Harley Jane Kozak)is mostly content with her husband and children, but suddenly is having erotic dreams about her high school football captain boyfriend she never actually had sex with. And in a mid-life crisis, is wondering what her life would have been like if she'd wound up with him instead.

So she goes to her promiscuous best friend (Elizabeth McGovern) and asks her to go to Colorado where the guy lives now, sleep with him, and tell her what it was like. Even with all the previous men the friend's been with it turns out to be the most gratifying and erotic experience of her friend's life, and despite that she asked her friend to sleep with him, she is insanely jealous of her, and wants to experience it herself. A Women's Logic-type situation.
It ends up being a hilarious love-quintet involving the two women, her husband, her friend's boyfriend (an early role by Brad Pitt) and the high school ex-boyfriend. And somehow in the end, while annoyed, each mostly has a better appreciation of what and who they started with.