In some cases, Republicans were able to attend. But in the majority of SCIF depositions, Republicans were not able to attend, and had to wait for transcripts of testimony they were not able to witness firsthand.

And as I said, repeatedly, in the very important testimony of Intelligence Community Inspector General (I C I G) Mike Atkinson, Republicans were not permitted to attend at all, and were never even provided witht he transcript after the fact, NEVER.

It's ridiculous that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, is not allowed to sit in on the House Intelligence Committee. He is a ranking House official. The only reason for excluding him is to prevent Republicans from having full access to information, and therefore blocking Republicans/Trump/Trump's lawyers from full access to the facts and mounting an adequate defense. That's why Republicans stormed the SCIF room, they were fed up with being locked out and having limited acces to testimony.

And despite this Soviet-Style rigging of the hearings, the American people saw how unfair the Democrat hearings were to Trump, and his polled support soared, and Trump was acquitted, in spite of Democrat corruption.