Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
It’s still early in the priocess but Biden really should be doing better.

I honestly think Biden is suffering from some dementia or something. I say that with sympathy. He doesn't seem like the same guy who was VP.

He was always gaffe prone but I think they might do more damage these days as he looks ancient. Sanders literally just had a heart attack and he looks younger.

I'll give Sanders this much, a guy who has a heart attack and then goes right back out and campaigns has remarkable determination.

Over the last 20 years, the more I've learned about Biden, the less I've liked him. Unquestionable corruption and enrichment for himself and his family off his positions as both Senator and Vice President (see just the opening chapter of Michelle Malkin's 2010 book CULTURE OF CORRUPTION). Biden's vicious race demagoguery and stoked division, combined with his creepy sexual behavior, even toward secret service agents assigned to protect him. I thought Biden was vile toward both Sarah Palin and Paul Ryan in the VP debates in 2008 and 2012. And with Obama he aligned himself with cultural marxist destruction of the country for 8 years.

Biden is 77 years old and a rich man. After being vice president, he had the legacy of having been VP,he should have ended it there.
Biden has neither the strength nor the vision to be president, let alone to campaign. If he'd just let it end in Jan 2017 when he left office, his legacy would be a lot brighter.
But his weird craziness, combined with his 50 years of corruption that have been brought to light by his campaign will be the things remembered about him now. Ultimately, his own party opened this whole Ukraine thing up with the plan to sacrifice Biden, to destroy him, just to take out Trump. But Trump is still standing and stronger than the day he was elected, and Biden is gone.