Bill Clinton chief strategist James Carville: "Not impressed" by Democrat candidates.
"Why is Tom Perez still chairman of the DNC". "Can't act like this is going well!"


The Democrat party is so poisonously marxist/leftist that no decent candidate can run or get the nomination.
As James Webb showed in 2016.
As John Delaney, Joe Sestak, and Tim Ryan have shown in 2020.

I love Carville's rant about how Democrats have alienated working-class Reagan Democrats because of the DNC's fanatic lurch to the marxist lunatic left in support of gender-neutral bathrooms, wanting to champion inmates voting from their prison cells, open borders and healthcare for illegals. Carville rightly says even Democrat voters are terrified and repelled by that agenda.

But, y'know, why help the cultural marxists figure out a better way to lie to and deceive the American people? Let them crash and burn.
Barack Obama himself has advised the 2020 "can't-idates"(borrowing from Greg Gutfeld) to not mention their true agenda while campaigning. (i.e., follow the model of Bill Clinton in 1992 and the Barack Obama model in 2008: LIE to the American people, PRETEND to care about what's important to the people, and once elected pursue your true radical nation-destroying agenda.
Or as Hillary Clinton was caught saying to Clinton Foundation donors in Brazil in 2016: "It's important to have a public policy and a private policy." Which again is borrowed from Marxist RULES FOR RADICALS author Saul Alinsky.

The Democrat party winning and pursuing its true agenda is completely built on deceiving the American people.