'WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU': Jim Jordan CALLS OUT Schiff For Knowing Who's The Whistleblower

I just happened to see this again, and it still makes me laugh, where Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) walks committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) into a trap, exposing Schiff as a liar.

In questioning Lt.Col. Vindman, Jordan walks through how there were only 3 people listening in on the Trump/Zelensky July 25th call: Morrison (Vindman's boss), Ms. Williams (seated next to Vindman here), and Vindman.
Morrison disclosed everyone he spoke to about the call.
Williams disclosed everyone she spoke to about the call.
Vindman refuses to disclose who he spoke to about the call. But assures everyone, scout's honor, that it was someone with security clearance to warrant hearing it.

Then Adam Schiff freaks out, that Jordan's questions will reveal who the whistleblower is.

As Jordan makes clear, if no one knows who the whistleblower is, how can these questions reveal the whistleblower?
JORDAN: "The witness [Vindman] has testified he doesn't know who the whistleblower is. [To Schiff] You have said even though no one believes you, that you don't know who the whistleblower is. So how is it revealing the whistleblower to know who this individual is [that Vindman spoke to]?"

But obviously Schiff does know who the whistleblower is, and that's why he was trying so hard not to have the whistleblower's name spoken, that would compel media coverage to reveal who he is [CIA analyst Eric Ciaramella, with ultra-Democrat-Left loyalties, and the chain of conspiracy between Ciaramella and Schiff's office]. And once known who he is and his partisan ideology, the Whistleblower would be discredited for the partisan conspirator that he is. And both him and Vindman might be up on charges for leaking top secret/confidential documents, and possibly other conspiracy charges.

Ciaramella also previously held Vindman's job at the NSC. Both of them rabid Democrat loyalists, moles inside the Trump White House and NSC.

It delights me to no end that Vindman and his brother (the latter of whom likely was part of the leaking of John Bolton's new book, one last smear by the treasonous rat brothers) were releived of their duties and escorted out of the NSC and White House. While still employed by the military, I hope their next assignment is a shit detail under an officer fiercely loyal to Trump.

But regardless, Rep Jordan did a splendid job of, if not outing the whistleblower, certainly outing Adam Schiff for the lying pile of steaming excrement that he is.