Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Probably time for Trump to stop tweeting about how great the stock market is and get his fat ass in gear for the very likely event of the virus hitting the US.


 Originally Posted By: WB
President Trump is the one who made the decision to not allow any Chinese travel to the U.S., which was met with the usual rounds of "no, no, that's excessive, prejudicial, racist, etc..."

But then Trump did it anyway, protecting the nation.
And every other nation in the world followed suit. Which has done a lot to contain the virus' spread to remain about 98% within China alone.

If it were President Hillary Clinton instead of Trump, this Coronavirus would already be raging out of control across the United States, and across many other nations who followed Trump's example by stopping Chinese flights to their countries as well.

Now gee, what a surprise, when Trump proposes $2.5 billion to fight Coronavirus and find a vaccine, Sen. Chuck Schumer and other Democrats raise a panic that it's not enough. I trust Trump a lot more than I trust the knife-in-the-back treacherous Democrats who hate America and would have let 20,000 passengers a day from China keep pouring in, just to not look "racist".

I commend the mayors of San Francisco and New York City (both Democrats) for taking extra preparatory measures in their cities. But certainly Trump's preventive measures are much more than you and the vicious partisans leading your party give him credit for.