It’s not an allegation that Trump was cheating on his first wife with who would end up being his second wife. And the Stormy Daniels affair may be something Trump won’t admit to but it’s not credible. His fixer at the time Cohen is in jail right now. The point is you are fine electing human garbage to our highest elected office and pretend it’s greatness. You lowered the bar on what is morally acceptable not with just Trump’s cheap sleaziy adultery but all the daily lies he tells. I think those sins are ones “Christians” are more likely to be guilty of themselves so it’s okay. Something like same sex attraction is something they are not tempted by so it’s easy to get righteous about. To me it shows a weakness in their character and not actual values. Going back to your post you’re upset that someone who lost her job for showing a picture of her fiancé to her students received compensation. In your world sleaze bag Trump is great but this poor woman was a “nazi” for showing a picture of the one she loves and wants to marry. Really, truly shame on you WB.

Fair play!