Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I’m not praying for horrible stuff to happen. The sad truth is that is what you want to be true.

You reflexively try to destroy President Trump at every turn, and absolutely refuse to acknowledge anything he does right. Obviously that includes hoping for a Coronavirus outbreak, just to rationalize that it was somehow Trump's fault and he made a bad decision, to weaponize and defeat him politically.
I've repeatedly cited all the things Trump has done to protect us from Coronavirus that no other president would have done.

"Pocahantas" Elizabeth Warren wants to take away money from the border wall to fund Coronavirus protections! That's essentially keeping out air flights of the Coronavirus-infected, while welcoming the infected across our southern border. Insane.

 Originally Posted By: M E M

You stopped seeing me as a fellow countryman but an enemy that you and other republicans were at war with a while back.

I actually still like you and think you're a nice guy, M E M, I just think you have blinders on and absolutely refuse to process the truth.
I'm pretty clear that it's your side that has declared TOTAL WAR on the Republican party and on Trump supporters. It is YOUR side that is completely intolerant and unwilling to work bipartisanly. It is YOUR side that is attacking Trump supporters in the streets by the hundreds in incidents almost daily.
DONT'EVEN TRY to lie and reverse that as if it were happening in the other direction.

As I've said repeatedly, in 2008 and 2012, Republicans selected as their candidate the most bipartisan, moderate and milquetoast candidates they could possibly pick. Even George W. Bush before running in 2000 had a clear record of bipartisan legislation with Texas legislators while he was governor of Texas. Bush's vote for war against IIraq in Sept 2002 was bipartisanly passed. Likewise his S-CHIP, No Child Left Behind, and Prescription Drug plan, among others, all bipartisan. But Bush was still railed on by these same Democrats as "right wing", "warmonger", and "racist".

John McCain in particular was a hero to the Democrats for the way he consistently attacked W. Bush and other Republicans. Whomod here in 2004 used to say "If only the Republicans would run someone moderate, someone like John McCain..." But as soon as McCain was the candidate in 2008, your side demonized him as "right wing", "warmonger", "extreme", and of course, "RACIST!"

Romney likewise was very bipartisan as governor of Massaachusetts and passed Romneycare. Democrats in Massachusetts, and in the media, had virtually nothing negative to say about Romney while governor. Only when he became a presidential candidate did he morph in their narrative into an evil righ guy. Suddenly now "right wing", "vulture capitalist", and of course, "racist".

Even in the case of Donald Trump, this is a guy who spent his life as a New York liberal, and only changed his party from Democrat to Republican a week before he announced his candidacy. Trump is not an ideological Republican or right-winger, he is a pragmatist, that Democrats, if they were not so vicious, could have negotiated with and gotten a lot of what they wanted. It is YOUR SIDE who declared TOTAL WAR on Trump, and now bemoans the level of acrimony and uncivility, THAT THEY THEMSELVES CAUSED!

 Originally Posted By: M E M
So you dehumanize the other side with shit like Trump’s son spouted and phony Christian Pence defended. In your world it’s good and evil is one party vs the other and criticism of Trump being automatically evil. Your own words betray your moral weakness. I gave up on you being a better person a while back too but it’s sad to see you keep sinking further.

Democrats can be good people who make bad decisions. And the best in your party I think will eventually realize they've been on the wrong side, and eventually side with the Republicans who are trying to save the country. Many Democrats who made a bad decision in 2016 will be persuaded by Trump's accomplishments since 2016, and be part of the wave that will re-elect him in 2020.

But certainly, there are those among the Democrats who are truly evil, and eagerly slander opponents to destroy the country, out of 1) marxist-driven HATRED for the country, or 2) for their own cynical political gain, regardless of the damage to the country they cause. In the marxist evil category I would place the Clintons and the Obamas, William Ayers, Houma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, Jennifer Palmieri. These are the true believers who want to topple this country in a revolution. And Bernie Sanders.

In the the second category of more pragmatic cynical Machievelliaan politics, Joseph Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, Rahm Emmanuel.

But the results of their destructive tactics lead to the same damage to the country.
As do their dupes among the Democrat grassroots.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Do you honestly think at this point a recession is probably likely? I don’t think it’s all that crazy. And I think it’s fairer than when Trump called Obama’s economy a bubble that ended up being most of this country’s longest period of economic growth in history.

I think you are again cheering on a recession that is not a sure thing or even likely, just as a way for Dems to weaken and defeat Trump, at the cost of tens of millions of working Americans. There is a great possibility that when the hotter months come, the Coronavirus will just run its course and disappear the way SARS or Anthrax or Ebola outbreaks have. And Coronavirus has by far a far less ratio of lethal cases. Even in undeveloped countries, a fatality rate of about 2 to 3%. I saw a CDC doctor on TV say that with superior medical care here, that ratio could be less than 1% in the U.S.
And even at its worst, most health officials and doctors predit that Coronavirus will kill far less people than the normal flu will, that kills between 18,000 and 80,000 people worldwide every year world. Like with the regular flu, it tends to kill people who 1) have previously existing respiratory problems, 2) have diabetes or other circulatory problems, 3) are obese, or 4) are elderly, infants or otherwise have fragile immune systems.

Regarding Trump's comments on Twitter, I don't endorse everything Trump does, and while I like that he posts on Twitter as a way to circumnavigate media bias aagainst him, I still think he posts at times in a self-defeating way, or re-Tweeting things in error, or just insults in poor taste. Sometimes the insults are warranted, other times not, and reflect badly on him.

But certainly Trump is not the first president to at times say callous, inaccurate or inappropriate things, whether on Twitter or in front of the press.

For example with Obama:

"The police acted stupidly..",
or "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon...",
or "You didn't build that...".

Or people who voted in primaries for Hillary and not him in 2016: "clinging to their guns and religion and their antipathy toward others not like them."
Note that Obama portrayed Democrat white voters in Pennsylvania and West Virginia like that, as white racist. But didn't portray Puerto Rico voters a week or so later that way when they similarly chose Hillary Clinton over him. Why were Puerto Ricans not labelled the same by him for not choosing a black candidate? Making clear it was a calculated lie by Obama for political gain.

Even in his early post-college days working for ACORN, training classrooms of ACORN "community organizer" marxist street agitators in Alinsky tactics, others at ACORN recognized Obama as the "unchalleged master" of Alinsky Rules For Radicals tactics of racial demagoguery and stoking racial anger for Leftist organizational purposes. DECEPTION. These are precisely the destructive tactics Obama's comments as president stoked.

What Trump commented on in Twiiter posts when Obama was president at least was based on facts, that Obama's policies were punishing toward business and strangled economic growth, and stifled what under any other president than Obama would have been a far greater rate of economic recovery.
Obama's was the weakest economic recovery since the Great Depression, despite Obama throwing trillions of bailout taxpayer dollars at the problem. A lot of the "growth" that Obama and the Dems claimed in the latter half of Obama's 8 years is by ignoring the 5 million jobs that disappeared in Obama's first term. A lot of the economic "growth" of Obama's term was just digging America out of the 5 million-job-loss ditch of his first term.
So Obama didn't "create 8 million jobs in just 4 years", he drove the economy down to levels approaching depression, and when the economy had nowhere else to go but up, some of those jobs came back, in spite of Obama's economic growth-killing policies. Obama also counted temporary jobs like census workers as "jobs created" when in truth they were government-subsidized jobs that only lasted a few weeks.

In any case, Trump's Twitter comments predicting downturn under Obama's presidency wasn't saying anything that a lot of Wall Street investment pundits on TV and in print weren't already saying. And Trump was a private citizen who had no plans to run for president at the time, that campaaign still being years away from even the planning stages. So a bit more leeway should be given to a wealthy private citizen who was not a political leader, vs. comments by both Obama and Trump at the time they became candidates or presidents.

Some of the bombast that wealthy private citizen Trump was known to say for decades, before he became a political candidate, were thrown back in his face when he became a candidate. He was a private citizen with enormous power who could say pretty much anything and get away with it. But once he became a presidential candidate, these comments became unacceptable, and I think it took Trump a while to realize he couldn't get away with voicing outrageous comments as a candidate the way he could as a private citizen.

And Mayor Bloomberg is experiencing the same thing now, that things he said as a wealthy private citizen, or even got away with as mayor, were suddenly unacceptable in a presidential candidate. And were actually far more repulsive, sexist and racist than the worst things dredged up that Trump had said. Not to mention 30 or so sexual harassment lawsuits, women all paid off by Bloomberg, with a gag order on disclosing any of the details. In a "woke" me-too Democrat party, that proved to be his downfall.