Standard operating procedure?
To some degree, I guess the backroom deals are standard political practice. But there's never been an overnight surrender of all opposition, combined with ALL OF THEM suddenly endorsing the frontrunner. And a very weak frontrunner at that, with no clear agenda or vigor to really succeed against Trump.

Biden had an unexpected very good showing last night. But that's not because Biden or his campaign put together a good message or organization to make it happen. It was pretty much a victory by default, where all opposition collapsed and got out of the way, and Biden was the only one left.
And even Elizabeth Warren who remains in the race helped to split the far-Left vote to further assure Biden a victory, despite his own inadequate campaign. Rep. Ilhan Omar said as much after the election. Without Warren, Sanders would have won Minnesota.

And then Bloomberg, astonishingly, got out of the race today! So there goes the safety net, there's no one else left when Biden inevitably flounders. I think Bloomberg should have stayed in, because Dems are now all-in for Biden, and this is not going to work out well for them.

Super Tuesday results: Where the 2020 Democratic candidates stand