You kind of make my point for me, I'm not sure where we disagee.
Demonstrate to me how Bernie Sanders is more "radical" and tarnishing the Democrat brand than any of the other maniacs running in 2020.

As I've cited quite a few times, there is absolutely no difference between "moderate" Joseph Biden and all the other pedal-to-the-floor hardcore Bosheviks who were on the debate stage with him for the last 8 months or so.

Every single 2020 Democrat hand when asked by a debate moderator, including Joseph Biden, went up in support of :
  • * De-criminalizing illegal immigrants, turning it into a misdemeanor, or possibly with no penalty whatsoever

    * Government-funded free HEALTHCARE for illegal immigrants

    * post-birth infanticide

    * the "green new deal" that would bankrupt the country, and do nothing to really fight pollution, that overwhelmingly comes from countries like China, India, Pakistan, Iran and North Korea, whereas the liberal-demonized U.S. is actually already complying with environmental standards more than any other nation on earth.

    * banning fracking, and simultaneously eliminating 1) recently established U.S. oil independence, and 2) millions of high-paying jobs, with no alternative energy source to replace it.

    * Abolishing ICE, thus incentivising a tsunami of new illegal immigrants, and crimes committed against U.S. citizens without penalty.

    * abolishing the Electoral College, to assure voter fraud and a permanent majority by Democrats

    * stacking the U S Supreme Court, to eclipse conservative justices with liberal activist judges who have no respect for Constitutional law, just whatever unconstitutional contrivances suit their own agenda. As comments by Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsberg make clear, that Biden or ANY Democrat primary candidate makes clear they would enable.

    * the complete denial by all the Democrat candidates that there even is a border crisis, that they describe as a "conspiracy theory" and a "hoax" by President Trump (reality check: there were over 1.2 million illegal immigrants who entered in 2019, even with Trump's vigorous efforts to reduce and contain it)

    * Federal reparations for blacks (again, every hand on stage went up, every Democrat in the debates supported reparations)

    * they would make Washington DC a state with electoral votes. Despite that the creation of Washington DC was precisely to have a capital independent from all other states, that did *NOT* have electoral votes! (again, for corrupt Democrat advantage reasons to help establish a permanent Democrat electoral majority, as Washington DC is close to 100% black, and overwhelmingly liberal. )

    * Make Puerto Rico a state. For the same corrupt reasons as Washington DC. Despite that Puerto Rico will not accept English as its primary language to qualify for statehood. Just because it would help create a permanent Democrat majority.

    * Would lower the voting age to 16. Again just because it would create a Democrat advantage, and despite that 16 year olds don't know their own ass from a hole in the ground.

    * Let incarcerated felons vote from prison! How inssane are these people?

    * and ultimately, to let illegal immigrants vote, just because it would give a permanent majority to Democrats. Even Democrats who don't openly endorse this more secretively support it by labelling it "restrictive" and "racist" to verify voters are citizens before letting them vote.

Even the "moderate" Democrats, including Biden, who don't openly endorse all the above, have not objected to these things, and either deliberately or through purposefully weak enforcement of the law, would allow these things to happen, to consolidate Democrat power.

And Biden is a potted plant who would enable these maniacs with his vacant smile, the benign face of their Bolshevik revolution. It was not Biden who negotiated for the other 2020 candidates to drop out. The radicals running his campaign arranged that. And these cunning authoritarian hand-wringers, not Biden, are the ones who would be running the country if Biden won, not Biden himself.

It absolutely terrifies me that these maniacs could ever gain power, whether 2020, 2024, 2028, or 2050. The moment they gain control, ever, this Constitutional republic ends, and their ideological purge begins.