We all know that Trump is in charge, and won because he had a clear vision for the nation he has followed through on, that has exceeded even a Trump supporter like me's wildest expectations. No president has kept his promises as completely as Trump has. Only two other political leaders have come close.
One was Ronald Reagan.
And though not a president, House Speaker Newt Gingrich after the 1994 election.

Biden has no vision for the country, and is campaigning as a "moderate", but is in truth every ounce as radical as those who ran against him: open borders, de-criminalizing illegal immigration, government subsidized healthcare for illegals, green new deal, on and on. What is moderate about Biden, other than the slogan?

And further, Biden is so weak-minded at this point that the radicals in his party will dominate him rather than the reverse. It's a formula for disaster.