Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
The shit bag said this yesterday....” "It's a very contagious virus, it's incredible, but it's something we have tremendous control of," the President said.

That simply isn’t true. I get that you don’t want to create panic but because his administration dropped the ball with testing the nation is flying blind with a contagious virus that is much more deadly than the flu. His lies are irresponsible and only make a bad situation worse as there are still a lot of folks who still don’t get the situation we’re truly in.

All that demonstrates is your irrational hatred of President Trump.

Trump is saying we as a nation are trying to take the greatest preventive measures possible. And that we have the outbreaks in China, South Korea, Italy and the rest of Europe to learn from and better prepare.

Regarding a question about eating in restaurants or even takeout food still being served, President Trump said today food service and takeout is still occurring in less densely contaminated regions of the country. Over whether that will remain open, Trump concluded: "I defer to the opinion of healthcare professionals."
Is even that a satisfactory response by Trump for you, M E M?

All along, on any given day, whatever assurances by Trump, often standing next to him to clarify are Mike Pence, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and surgeon general Jerome Adams, adding expert details to what Trump says, every day. I think you vastly exaggerate how Trump "misinforms" the public. Like any other person with common sense, I listen to medical officials for information, and understand the statements by Trump and other political figures are more weighted by assurances.
Or in the case of CNN, Democrat officials and the other DNC-allied liberal media, just politically motivated attacks.

I think Trump's immediate and unprecedented suspension of flights from China on Jan 31st puts the lie to Democrats' notion that Trump "downplayed" the severity of the Wuhan Flu epidemic.

Trump's suspension of flights, said Kayleigh McEnany last night, "is now the standard by which all future outbreaks will be handled by future presidents."