
All I did was speculate about possible running mates for Biden, and in some cited possibilities, why I think they might or might not be chosen, and ask what others thought were some possibilities.

While I bashed quite a few, I praised Amy Klobuchar and Tulsi Gabbard. With a few caveats.

Some other Democrats I've liked over the years include former Virginia Senator Jim Webb, Tim Ryan, and John Delaney, who are proven and moderate leaders, too moderate to be selected by a Demcorat party that has lurched insane-far-Left.

Another from the 1980's who would have made a good president is Sen Sam. Nunn. Last I saw, he was part of a think tank for nuclear arms reduction. And the late Zell Miller of Georgia.

Miller in particular was reminiscent in style to Republican Sen John Kennedy of Mississippi, with his common-sense and often very funny folksy metaphors and witticisms, referencing events in current politics.
The last I saw Zell Miller was when he was interviewed by Tim Russert, if I recall about the Howard Dean campaign and some idiot thing Dean had said stereotyping all southerners as having gun racks in their trucks. That Miller rightly speculated had already cost Dean the southern vote, and his party's nomination.

At one time I thought Kamala Harris was a good pick in the primaries. But just like Elizabeth Warren, both despite fawning and endless praise by the liberal media, shot themselves in the foot multiple times until they finally lost support in spite of the fawning media, who finally were forced to report their campaign errors.

At one point, I heard it speculated that Elizabeth Warren was the favored successor of Barack Obama himself, to carry on his legacy. That has certainly changed.