Well, for me it just pisses me off that the Democrats (or the Republicans if they were to do it) bypassed more qualified people to appoint someone just because they were a black, hispanic, gay, a woman or so forth. To me that's an insulting level of pandering and tokenism.

I wonder if you hold the same level of gay identity pride for conservative Republicans like Tammy Bruce, Richard Grennell, or Guy Benson. Tammy Bruce in particular is an articulate independent thinker who was part of the Left for many years, the former head of NOW in their California branch.
Or say, hispanic former attorney general Alberto Gonzalez, black secretary of state Colin Powell, or black woman national security advisor and secretary of state Condoleezza Rice.

I think for Republicans, it's more about appointing highly qualified people, who happen to be a minority of some kind, rather than making a big show of someone being a minority, and supporting them just because they're a minority.
That's one of the Democrats' major offenses for me, that they are not Americans first and foremost, but instead seem to have all kinds of first loyalties to things other than the country itself. It offends me that gays have their own flag, with a first loyalty to that over the nation itself.